Microsoft Designer

GenText utilizes advanced AI technology that seamlessly integrates with MS Word, providing business professionals with a tool that streamlines the report-writing process. The AI-powered MS Word Add-in eliminates the need for laborious hours of writing, re-reading, and editing to produce high-quality reports, presentations, and other documents. It is tailored for business professionals who need to produce high-quality work for clients, partners, and stakeholders. GenText puts control back in the hands of users, providing open source models and inviting involvement with the fastest-growing open software project. AI-powered, the tool generates text-to-image designs, texture generation, and AI video, which can be used in platforms such as Photoshop and Blender. It has an API and an SDK that allows the use of stable diffusion and other stability models inside your application. Stability AI is at the forefront of open-source research on artificial intelligence, working with partners and industry leaders globally to develop cutting-edge open AI models for various applications, including Image, Language, Audio, Video, 3D, Biology, and more. --- - Advanced AI technology tailored to streamline report writing process - Seamlessly integrates with MS Word - Tailored for business professionals needing to produce high-quality work - Eliminates the need for laborious hours of writing, re-reading, and editing - Provides open source models and invites user involvement in project - Generates text-to-image designs, texture generation, and AI video - Has an API and SDK to allow use in various applications such as Photoshop and Blender - Working with partners and industry leaders on various AI applications including Image, Language, Audio, Video, 3D, Biology, and more

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Sivi is a graphic design tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate visually appealing designs for product banners, display ads, and other visual content. The tool is designed to be fast and easy to use, generating limitless variations of professional-looking designs in just a few clicks. Sivi helps marketers, business owners, content writers, and e-commerce managers create visually appealing ads that convert more effectively. By using the tool, users can quickly turn text into visual content, auto-generating editable banners, social posts, and Google display ads from a webpage or article. Sivi offers a free version with 72 free credits, enabling users to create up to 16 variations per credit. The tool adheres to brand guidelines, incorporating brand colors, typography and other constraints when generating designs. Sivi generates unique compositions, eliminating the need for templates. The tool can be used to create graphic designs for display ads, Twitter ads, email headers, and product banners, helping businesses to drive performance and improve conversion rates.--- - Uses AI to generate visually appealing designs for product banners, display ads, and other visual content - Enables users to quickly turn text into visual content and auto-generate editable banners, social posts, and Google display ads from a webpage or article - Offers a free version with 72 free credits, enabling users to create up to 16 variations per credit - Adheres to brand guidelines, incorporating brand colors, typography, and other constraints when generating designs - Generates unique compositions, eliminating the need for templates - Can be used to create graphic designs for display ads, Twitter ads, email headers, and product banners, helping businesses to drive performance and improve conversion rates - Follows the human design process and generates multiple variations instantly - Helps marketers, business owners, content writers, and e-commerce managers create visually appealing ads that convert more effectively - Designed to be fast and easy to use, generating limitless variations of professional-looking designs in just a few clicks - Available in various plans, Sivi helps users generate stunning visual designs 10x faster.

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Vectorizer AI

Vectorizer.AI is a tool that converts JPEG and PNG bitmaps to SVG vectors using an AI Deep Vector Engine. It automatically converts images and works well with blurry and noisy images. The tool uses a proprietary computational geometry framework that allows automated edits and localized optimisations that are impossible with conventional vector image representations. Vectorizer.AI uses whole geometric shapes, straight lines, circular arcs, elliptical arcs, and quadratic and cubic Bezier curves to create vector shapes. The tool analyses, models, and optimizes every corner in the vector graph, making the results more natural than other vectorizers. Vectorizer.AI utilises state-of-the-art GPUs for deep learning and runs parallel classical algorithms on multi-core CPUs to provide high-performance output. The tool supports full 32-bit color, including the alpha channel, and partially transparent areas. Vectorizer.AI also offers the ability to edit and customize the output SVG vectors to suit the user's needs. --- - Automatically converts JPEG and PNG bitmaps to SVG vectors - Proprietary computational geometry framework for automated edits and optimisations - Supports whole geometric shapes, straight lines, curves, and corner optimizations - Utilises state-of-the-art GPUs for deep learning and parallel classical algorithms for high performance - Supports full 32-bit color and partial transparency - Offers the ability to edit and customize output SVG vectors to suit the user's needs.


AIBuild is an AI-powered tool that can convert wireframes into realistic 3D renderings using advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques. The tool aims to improve communication with stakeholders, reduce errors and rework, and create a more efficient design process. It can take into account factors such as lighting, materials, and textures to produce a highly accurate representation of the final product. With over 100+ styles to choose from or customize, AIBuild offers a range of options for hobbyists and professionals. The tool offers various packages, from Basic to Pro, to suit different needs and budgets. The pricing is cost-effective, with affordable monthly and annual options. AIBuild provides various benefits of using the tool, including faster design iterations, improved communication, reduced errors and rework, and more efficient design processes. The site offers an easy three-step process to upload input, configure style, and get output. Users can try the tool for free before subscribing to any package. Additionally, the site provides FAQs to address any questions regarding the product and billing. --- - Convert wireframes into realistic 3D renderings - Improve communication with stakeholders - Reduce errors and rework - Create a more efficient design process - Take into account factors such as lighting, materials, and textures - Over 100+ styles to choose from or customize - Different packages to suit different needs and budgets - Cost-effective pricing with monthly and annual options - Faster design iterations - Improved communication

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