

Streamline coding process

Codeium is an AI-powered code completion tool that streamlines the coding process by reducing boilerplate coding, finding and using APIs, generating unit tests, and supporting over 20+ languages. With IDE integration, developers can easily integrate with popular IDEs, while natural language processing allows them to type comments in natural language for code completion. The tool is trusted by top companies like Adobe, Dropbox, IBM, Pinterest, Salesforce, and Tesla and is free to use with the Codeium Extension. It is ideal for software developers seeking to improve coding efficiency and reduce syntax, teams working on large or unfamiliar codebases, and companies looking to enhance their development process with AI-powered tools.

- IDE integration with popular IDEs
- Efficient coding with reduced boilerplate coding and unit test generation
- Natural language processing for code completion
- Trusted by top companies like Adobe, Dropbox, IBM, Pinterest, Salesforce, and Tesla
- Free to use with the Codeium Extension
- Supports over 20+ languages
- Ideal for software developers, teams, and companies seeking to enhance development processes
- End-to-end data encryption
- New features like individual repo natural language search, enterprise level usage statistics, and local fine-tuning on your codebase
- Continuously integrating more languages and integrations every week.

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