

Enterprise AI platform

Datature is a no-code AI vision platform that allows users to create and manage computer vision applications easily. With features like Nexus for collaboration and annotation, IntelliBrush for quick and accurate labeling, and Portal for model testing, Datature is beneficial for product developers, data scientists, and businesses seeking to launch computer vision products. The platform enables non-technical users to build like professionals without the expense of hiring a full design team. It offers easy data preparation, hosting training data, and seamless transition between annotators. With a powerful project management system, users can manage images, tags, and review annotations to reduce bias and errors in dataset. Datature provides end-to-end no-code MLOps platforms for creating and deploying multiple computer vision models in a single dashboard, shortening development time, and increasing productivity.

- Nexus for collaboration and annotation
- IntelliBrush for quick and accurate labeling
- Portal for model testing
- No-code AI vision platform for easy creation and management of computer vision applications
- Suitable for product developers, data scientists, and businesses launching computer vision products
- Enables non-technical users to build professional quality products
- Easy data preparation, hosting of training data, and seamless transition between annotators
- Powerful project management system to reduce bias and errors in datasets
- End-to-end no-code MLOps platform for multiple computer vision models in a single dashboard
- Shortens development time and increases productivity

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