
Answer Engine for Global Community

FAQx is an answer engine enhanced by AI and powered by humans, offering facts and answers to questions on a wide variety of topics. The platform supports 42 languages and provides access to 339K facts contributed by 12K users, as well as connected sources such as Live Web, Wolfram Alpha, and Weather. Users can easily search and find information on FAQx, eliminating the need for endless online searches. Top answers are featured on the homepage, and users can browse information by state or zip code. In 2023, FAQx will expand to provide essential local information across the US.

- AI-enhanced answer engine
- Powered by humans and connected to multiple sources
- Supports 42 languages
- Access to 339K facts contributed by 12K users
- Provides local information by state or zip code
- Top answers featured on homepage
- Eliminates the need for endless online searches
- Expanding to provide essential local information across the US in 2023
- Can be used for a wide variety of topics and questions.

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