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Deep Learning for AI

fast.ai is a non-profit research group that focuses on deep learning and AI education with several courses available on their website. Their practical courses include deep learning, data ethics, and computational linear algebra. They also offer software and books for PyTorch and nbdev. News outlets such as The Economist, NY Times, and MIT Tech Review have featured their work. Recently, fast.ai released early previews of their course videos and opened sign-ups for 2022. Fast.ai's courses have scholarships available for community contributors, open-source developers, and diversity scholars. The team shares personal journeys, including their family's homeschooling experience, and articles about AI's societal impact. They recognize language's role in limiting and liberating people and discuss GPT 4's implications for unlimited language.

- Offers practical courses on deep learning, data ethics, computational linear algebra
- Provides software and books for PyTorch and nbdev
- Featured in The Economist, NY Times, and MIT Tech Review
- Early previews of course videos available
- Sign-ups for 2022 courses available
- Scholarships available for different groups
- Shares personal experiences and articles about AI's societal impact
- Discussed GPT 4's implications for unlimited language

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