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Free Subtitles AI

Free Subtitles AI

AI Subtitle Generator for Creators

Free Subtitles AI is an AI tool that generates subtitles for audio and video content. The tool offers multiple options like automatic download link input, language and model selection, and translation into different languages. Free users can upload files up to 300 MB and one-hour duration, while paid users can upload up to 10 GB and 10 hours duration, with 111 languages available, including auto-detection for optimal efficiency. Users can choose from nine models with varying size and accuracy levels. The tool caters to video producers seeking accurate subtitles, podcasters aiming to make their audio content accessible, and educators and trainers looking to provide transcripts and translations for their materials. Free Subtitles AI offers a reliable and versatile solution for generating subtitles, making it an excellent choice for content creators with limited resources.

- Multiple options for customized, efficient subtitle generation
- Free and paid options to accommodate different budgets and file sizes
- 111 languages available, including auto-detection for optimal efficiency
- Choose from nine models with varying size and accuracy levels
- Suitable for video producers, podcasters, educators, and trainers
- Enables accessibility of audio and video content for a wider audience

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