Home Human resources GeniusReview



Personalized AI Performance Reviews

GeniusReview is an AI-powered tool that streamlines performance reviews for companies. It provides personalized responses to performance review questions based on the employee's role, allows companies to rank skills on a scale of 1 to 10 and add their own questions, and offers adjustable tone options. GeniusReview is privacy-focused, with user inputs not stored or tracked. Use cases include HR professionals seeking to save time and effort, managers and team leads providing personalized feedback, and companies optimizing their performance review process with AI technology.

- Tailored answers based on role
- Customizable ranking of skills and ability to add own questions
- Adjustable tone options for reviews
- Privacy-focused with no user input storage or tracking
- Time-saving for HR professionals and personalized feedback for managers and team leads
- Optimizes performance review process with AI technology

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