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Unified company intelligence search

Glean is an AI-powered search and knowledge discovery tool for enterprises that searches through all company apps to help users discover what they need to know. With its next-generation AI search capabilities, Glean can understand context, language, behavior, and relationships to find personalized answers to questions instantly. Founded by former Google search engineers, Glean can identify experts who can help users move faster and provides seamless integration with companies' existing security protocols. Glean comes with over 30 native connectors, over 80 workplace app support, and requires no engineering talent to set up. The tool is easy to use and learns the company's unique language continuously to improve search performance. Users can find people as well as information and can stay connected with others whether in the office or remote.

- Next-generation AI search to help users find what they need to know
- Understands context, language, behavior, and relationships to provide personalized answers
- Identifies experts who can help users move faster
- Over 30 native connectors and supports over 80 workplace apps
- Easy to set up and requires no engineering talent
- Learns the company's unique language to improve search performance continuously
- Helps users find people as well as information
- Can be used to stay connected with others whether in the office or remote
- Enables discovery of insights users didn't know existed
- Offers hosting options for seamless integration with security protocols.

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