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Hacker AI

Hacker AI

Accessible Security Vulnerability Detection

Hacker AI is an AI-powered code audit tool that helps organizations identify and fix potential security vulnerabilities in their source code. This platform offers various features that include vulnerability detection, cybersecurity protection, and free use for beta testers. Hacker AI can identify security weaknesses such as SQL injection, LFI, and RCE. It is an ideal solution for businesses looking to prevent security breaches, government agencies aiming to improve their cybersecurity posture, and developers seeking automated code analysis. The platform is created by a French company based in Toulouse that uses an LLM model. Hacker AI is currently in the beta testing phase, and users can receive vulnerability reports within 10 minutes of uploading their files.
- Vulnerability detection for security weaknesses
- Free use for beta testers
- Supports various programming languages
- Ideal for businesses and government agencies looking to enhance cybersecurity posture
- Automated code analysis
- Created by a French company based in Toulouse
- Can detect security issues like SQL injection, LFI, and RCE
- Fast vulnerability reports within 10 minutes of uploading files
- No data exploitation policy
- Non-disclosure agreements available upon request.

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