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Hey, GitHub!

Hey, GitHub!
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Advanced voice coding assistant

GitHub Next is a voice-powered tool that allows users to write code hands-free. By talking to GitHub Copilot, users can code without typing, eliminating the need for a keyboard. The tool suggests code snippets based on natural language commands and offers the option to request changes. GitHub Next also enables users to navigate code without the use of a mouse or arrow keys. By asking for specific methods or blocks, users will be taken to the section they need. The program also offers code summarization capabilities for understanding complex code segments. With GitHub Next, users can write and edit code, navigate code base, and control Visual Studio Code with their voice.

- Write/edit code using voice commands
- Natural language commands to suggest code snippets
- Code navigation without the use of mouse and arrow keys
- Code summarization capabilities
- Control Visual Studio Code using voice commands
- Hands-free coding for those with difficulty typing
- Technical preview available
- Ability to toggle code mode
- Explanation of specific lines of code
- Integration with GitHub Copilot

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