
User-friendly CLI for workflow optimization

HeyCLI is a customizable and user-friendly command line tool that saves time and increases terminal efficiency. It translates plain English commands into appropriate command line instructions and offers options for custom aliases, environment variables, and key bindings. Ideal for developers, system administrators, and IT professionals, HeyCLI offers a solution for streamlining command line work with intuitive commands. The tool includes a preview version that can be tried out by following the instructions in the Github repo. Users can sign up on the site to stay up-to-date with new features, and any question or issue can be emailed to hadiazzouni@heycli.com.

- Translates plain English commands into appropriate command line instructions
- Offers options for custom aliases, environment variables, and key bindings
- Increases efficiency when working in the terminal
- Ideal for developers, system administrators, and IT professionals
- Preview version available to try out
- Sign up to stay up-to-date with new features
- Contact email for questions or issues: hadiazzouni@heycli.com

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