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Hypotenuse ai

Hypotenuse ai
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Versatile content creation tool

Hypotenuse AI is an AI writing assistant and text generator that can create original, insightful, and factual content with ease. It has versatile content creation, AI editing tools, Shopify and WordPress integration, and a plagiarism checker to streamline the writing process. It caters to various content needs, including content creators, e-commerce businesses, and marketers, and offers features to improve efficiency and content quality.

- Versatile content creation
- AI editing tools
- Shopify and WordPress integration
- Content Detective for fast and factual content
- Pick your brand's tone of voice
- Repurpose content easily
- Publish everywhere through API
- Free trial available
- Unique, high-quality, and plagiarism-free content
- Increased website traffic and engagement metrics.

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