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AI-powered job title automation

JobtitlesAI is an AI-powered tool that accurately classifies job titles, enabling improved organization and automation. With features such as easy automation, integration, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and GDPR compliance, JobtitlesAI solves the complex task of job title classification. The tool helps streamline lead qualification, CRM cleaning, LinkedIn profile prioritization, and job offer organization. It can be used in spreadsheets, Hubspot, and API, making it versatile and flexible for marketers and HR professionals. JobtitlesAI supports multiple languages and provides pay-as-you-go or monthly subscription options for users. Its machine-learning API sorts job titles into field and position categories, making it easier for marketers to build filters and formulas for their list.

- Accurately classify job titles into field and position categories
- Streamline lead qualification, prioritize LinkedIn profiles, and organize job offers
- Integration with CSV files, spreadsheets, Hubspot, and API
- Multilingual and GDPR compliant
- Flexible pricing with pay-as-you-go or monthly subscription options
- Use cases for sales and marketing teams, HR professionals, and businesses and organizations
- Easy automation with improved organization and scalability
- Cost-effective compared to maintaining complex filters and formulas
- Provides 200 free credits for qualifying job titles
- Continuously learns and corrects itself to provide ever-improving results

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