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Blog writing tool for SEO

LongShot is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps users create blogs that are both helpful to readers and optimized for search engines. Trusted by 20,000+ marketers at various brands, LongShot offers customized AI templates for specific uses, eliminates the need for a full content team, and generates factually accurate content. By using LongShot, users can publish content on current topics and events, create helpful SEO content for their readers, and boost their SERP ranking. LongShot is equipped with features such as People Also Asked questions, which enable users to learn what users search for, how well their content answers those questions, and how their competitors score for the same queries. With LongShot, users can leverage the power of artificial intelligence to save time and create engaging, optimized content.

- Customized AI templates
- Factually accurate content
- AI-generated user-sourced content with citations
- Optimized content for higher SERP rankings
- People Also Asked feature to learn what users search for
- Comparison and product review generation
- Storytelling-based templates for creative writing
- Eliminates the need for a full content team
- Enables effortless content creation for time savings
- User journey and purpose-driven email templates

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