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Innovative Email Marketing Solution

MateAI is an AI-powered tool designed to generate copy and design templates for email campaigns. With multilingual support and over 300+ curated emails from top brands for inspiration, MateAI saves users time on email marketing efforts. The tool generates copy for emails, allowing users to focus on their business, and offers flexible pricing with a 7-day free trial and two payment plans starting at $19/mo. MateAI is suitable for various professionals including marketers seeking to create effective email campaigns, business owners looking to improve their email outreach, and companies seeking to save time on email marketing efforts. Overall, MateAI offers an innovative solution for faster, easier, and more effective email marketing using AI technology.

- Multilingual support: Available in English, Italian, and five other languages
- Curated emails: Over 300+ templates from top brands for inspiration and easy import to ESPs like Mailchimp
- Time-saving AI: Generates copy for emails, allowing users to focus on their business
- Flexible pricing: 7-day free trial with no credit card required, followed by two payment plans starting at $19/mo
- Suitable for various professionals including marketers, business owners, and companies seeking to save time on email marketing efforts
- Improves email outreach with unique, AI-generated copy
- Offers inspiration for users with curated emails from top brands
- Easy import of templates to ESPs like Mailchimp
- 24/7 priority customer support included in higher payment plan
- Onboarding and training session included in higher payment plan.

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