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AI lab for designers

Midjourney is an independent research lab that specializes in using AI and design to advance human imaginative powers. The lab has a team of experienced staff, advisors, and researchers, an emphasis on design, human infrastructure, and AI, and a diverse portfolio of creative projects. Midjourney's use cases extend to artists, designers, researchers, and innovators. With its unique platform, Midjourney enables the creation of imaginative, powerful works that inspire and captivate the audience.

- Comprised of experienced staff, advisors, and researchers from various prestigious organizations
- Emphasis on design, human infrastructure, and AI to enable exploration of new thought mediums
- Diverse portfolio ranging from realistic cityscapes to abstract art and virtual reality experiences
- Use cases extend to artists, designers, researchers, and innovators
- A unique platform that harnesses AI technology for creative projects
- Enables the creation of imaginative, powerful works that inspire and captivate the audience
- Small, self-funded, and fully-distributed team
- Actively hiring to scale, explore, and build humanist infrastructure
- Team members include executives, advisors, moderators, and guides
- Advisors include lead Silicon at Apple, GitHub's CEO, and the founder of Second Life.

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