Home Startup tools Naming Magic

Naming Magic

Naming Magic

AI naming and domain solution

Naming Magic is an AI-powered tool that simplifies the process of naming a company and finding a suitable domain, using GPT-3 technology. It is user-friendly and specifically designed for entrepreneurs seeking to brainstorm company names, secure a suitable domain for their business, and assist clients in naming and branding efforts. Naming Magic offers a creative and efficient solution for company naming and domain selection. This tool is brought to you by Swift Ventures and OpenAI.

- Utilizes GPT-3 technology to generate creative company names
- Easily input product descriptions and keywords to receive AI-generated suggestions
- Designed specifically for entrepreneurs seeking to brainstorm company names
- Offers a solution for entrepreneurs looking to secure a suitable domain for their business
- Assists business consultants in naming and branding efforts
- User-friendly and efficient tool
- Created by Swift Ventures + OpenAI
- Offers a mobile app to browse NFT cat art
- Provides a way to invest in AI and data-first businesses at the early stages
- Allows users to share their ideas and get in touch with Swift Ventures

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