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Obviously AI

Obviously AI
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Streamlined AI Deployment

Obviously AI is a no-code data science platform that simplifies the creation of machine learning models. Available features include automated model building, model deployment and monitoring, integration and sharing, and expert support. Use cases cover various applications such as predicting churn, lead conversion, loan repayment, fraud, and forecasting sales, dynamic pricing, yield, and deal size. With an emphasis on time-saving and user-friendliness, Obviously AI allows users to turn their data into ROI by building AI models with just a few clicks. The tool also offers real-time REST APIs for app integration or visualization into existing tooling such as PowerBI or Looker. Access to a dedicated data scientist is available 24x7 for assistance with statistical work.

- Automated model building for classification, regression, and time series models without prior knowledge of machine learning or programming
- Model deployment and monitoring for streamlined processes and saving time and money
- Integration and sharing using the API for real-time predictions and app integration
- Expert support with access to a dedicated data scientist for statistical work
- Use cases for various applications including predicting churn, lead conversion, loan repayment, fraud, sales, dynamic pricing, yield, and deal size

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