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Text generator and composer

Paraphrase Tool is an AI-powered solution that helps users rewrite and enhance text in over 100 languages with versatile tools like a paraphraser, composer, plagiarism checker, and summarizer. It offers 18 different modes and generates paraphrased and enhanced text in seconds for efficient writing. The tool caters to various writing needs and is suitable for students, content creators, and professionals. Paraphrase Tool helps users clarify their thinking and suit their words to their audience. Its 20 modes include a summarize tool, a free grammar checker, a mode to simplify text, and a sentence shortener. The tool accounts for context at both the sentence and paragraph levels and produces the most correct results in over 100 languages.

- AI-powered tool to rewrite and enhance text in over 100 languages
- Versatile tools like paraphraser, composer, plagiarism checker, and summarizer
- Generates paraphrased and enhanced text in seconds for efficient writing
- Caters to various writing needs and is suitable for students, content creators, and professionals
- Offers 20 different modes including a summarize tool, a free grammar checker, a mode to simplify text, and a sentence shortener
- Accounts for context at both the sentence and paragraph levels
- Produces the most correct results in over 100 languages with its paraphrase bot
- Can generate paragraphs with unique ideas based on keywords
- Low cost and unique features make it the best paraphrasing tool
- Offers free paraphrasing for all languages

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