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Search and productivity tool for parents

Parent.wiki is a search and productivity assistant for families powered by chatGPT. They offer multi-modal tools for parents and kids to experience the power of generative AI. With Parent.wiki, users can educate and onboard themselves with content generation that goes beyond traditional search. It helps create marketing and social content, get recommendations and ideas, research any subject, write code, plan meals and trips, create itineraries, and help kids learn instantly about anything. Parent.wiki offers a simple interface that combines the power of chatGPT with Google results to save parents and kids time while searching. The site ensures that the connection is secure for users.

- Multi-modal tools to educate and onboard parents and kids
- Content generation that goes beyond traditional search
- Create marketing and social content, research any subject, write code, plan meals and trips and help kids learn instantly about anything
- Simplicity of the interface
- ChatGPT-powered search engine
- Secure connection for users

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