Home Prompts Promptmetheus



ChatGPT harnessing platform

Promptmetheus is a development platform that allows users to create dedicated AIPIs for their applications using chatbots like ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLMs). It provides an easy-to-use interface for composing, testing, and evaluating one-shot prompts, making it optimal for automated workflows and integrating prompts into products. Although it does not require users to be developers for interactions with ChatGPT, Promptmetheus is not open-source and stores data in the user's browser due to its design. Users pay for the OpenAI API usage with their own API key, and PROMPTMETHEUS comes equipped with various tools, such as the FORGE playground, to refine and craft dedicated AIPIs for their applications.

- Compose prompts with blocks and fragments
- Test and compare different models and input parameters
- Rate, organize, search, and filter prompt outputs
- Estimate cost per prompt execution
- Visualization of prompts and fragments
- Export data as .csv, .xlsx, or .json file
- Use data fragments inside your prompts and pre-process them
- Use variables in prompts for fine-tuning
- Add embeddings for context
- Chain prompts together

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