Home Sales Qualifyed.ai



Machine Learning for Media Buying

Qualifyed.ai is a media buying platform that builds Lookalike Audiences using Machine Learning to create a model of ideal buyers. The customers are scored based on over 3,000 demographic and personal attributes, and a custom audience of hashed emails is created with only the highest-scored individuals. The audience is then sent to media-buying platforms such as Facebook for buying media against. Qualifyed.ai provides an industry-leading Machine Learning system that continuously inspects your highest quality sales and helps to target people proactively with the highest probability to become your next customers. The process starts by measuring data to validate and score leads based on the probability of a sale. The system then creates a model of actual targetable people and informs advertising to optimize sales across Search, Social, Display, and Video placements. The platform has helped decreased customer acquisition costs by 87% and provided a 10x increase in online conversions.

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