

Effortless resume creation

Rezi is an advanced resume builder powered by AI that creates a compelling and error-free resume for you. It uses text generation AI to write resumes catering to your job title, skills, and experience. Rezi includes templates to design resumes that meet applicant tracking system requirements. All accounts receive 6K free AI Credits to generate content. Rezi partnered with OpenAI to use their GPT-3 neural network, which is a powerful and innovative network. AI-generated content applies professional resume writing practices and Resi improves employability by delivering accurate and quality resumes.

- AI-powered resume writing service
- Eliminates the need to write your own resume
- Uses text generation AI to create resumes for you
- Provides templates to design a professional-looking resume
- Supports applicant tracking system requirements
- Offers 6k free AI credits to generate content
- Partnered with OpenAI to use GPT-3 neural network
- Applies professional resume writing practices
- Delivers accurate and quality resumes for greater employability
- Integrated in Experience, Projects, and Involvement sections

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