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Sales Stack

Sales Stack
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Sales A.I, client channels

SalesStack is an AI-powered tool that helps users train their own AI to communicate with clients across all channels. With Lead Engager, Audience Engager, Pro Caller, and Pro Emailer, SalesStack uses AI to improve and personalize communication. The tool adapts communication to match context and sequence, keeping all coms in memory. SalesStack encrypts all apps end-to-end for maximum privacy and security. By training AI on user profiles and activity, SalesStack increases target market relevancy and touch on topics that engage audiences. With SalesStack, users can expect to see improved communication and increased sales. SalesStack costs $99/month with a 3-day free trial and users can cancel anytime.

- Lead Engager for expanding LinkedIn connections with AI-powered comments, in-mails, and messages
- Audience Engager for one-click micro blogging and social media posts that engage LinkedIn connections
- Pro Caller for turning business calls into actionable insights with voice-to-text AI transcripts
- Pro Emailer for writing emails at lightning speed using only a few keywords
- Adapts communication to match context and sequence and keeps all coms in memory
- Personalizes communication by training AI on user profiles and activity
- Increases target market relevancy and touch on topics that engage audiences
- End-to-end encryption for maximum privacy and security
- $99/month with a 3-day free trial and the option to cancel anytime

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