

AI-powered Personalized Ranking Platform

Shaped is an API tool for building powerful ranking models that provide personalized discovery pages, feeds, recommendations, and marketing communication. The tool allows you to understand which content your users are most likely to engage with or buy. Shaped aims to help users optimize search, recommendations, or marketplaces by leveraging industry-leading data science practices. Using Shaped, you don't need to handle all the data engineering, model training, and deployment difficulties inherent to recommendation systems. 70% of watch time from what the algorithm recommends, 30% of revenue from recommendations, and 75% of content discovered from recommendations come from using ranking tools. Leaders use ranking to build world-class discovery experiences. Shaped is designed for developers who can easily plug in the API into existing products. Shaped is applicable across multiple industries such as grocery delivery, fashion, recruitment leads, productivity tools, and more.

- Build powerful ranking models for personalized discovery pages
- Understand which content is most likely to engage with or buy
- Create feeds, recommendations, and marketing communication that users will love
- Optimize search, recommendations, or marketplaces by leveraging industry-leading data science practices
- Avoid handling data engineering, model training, and deployment difficulties inherent to recommendation systems
- 70% of watch time from what the algorithm recommends
- 30% of revenue from recommendations
- 75% of content discovered from recommendations
- Shaped is designed for developers who can easily plug in the API into existing products
- Applicable across multiple industries such as grocery delivery, fashion, recruitment leads, productivity tools, and more.

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