Home Presentations SlidesAI



Quick Google Slide Generation

SlidesAI is a tool that uses AI to write and create presentation slides quickly and easily. The tool works with Google Slides, and is coming soon for Microsoft Powerpoint. It saves time by automating the creation of presentation content without sacrificing the quality of the final product. To use the tool, users only need to add their text, customize the look and feel of the presentation, and then preview and make any final adjustments. SlidesAI offers different pricing plans based on the number of presentations and characters per input. The plans range from a free basic plan to a premium plan for business and marketing professionals. SlidesAI is designed to be a helpful assistant that saves users time and eliminates tedious and manual work.

- Creates presentation slides using AI
- Works with Google Slides
- Saves time by automating slide creation
- Easy to use with simple steps
- Offers different pricing plans based on number of presentations and characters per input
- Provides pre-designed color and font presets or users can create their own custom look
- FAQs section available for users to address any concerns or questions about SlidesAI
- Offers a free basic plan and different pricing plan options
- Coming soon for Microsoft Powerpoint
- Eliminates tedious and manual work of slide creation.

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