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Easy visual storytelling app

Read & Create Together is a platform that helps you turn real-life situations into fun stories and illustrations in seconds using AI. It is suitable for all ages and is available on iPhones, Android, and all tablets. The app allows you to create an endless stream of personalized kid's books, stories, and poems. The tool is designed to promote reading habits, as research suggests reading to children every day is one of the biggest predictors of academic success. It has received rave reviews from over 2,200 parents, who have created over 3,500 stories using the app. You can choose from various pricing options, including a yearly plan or monthly subscription, with the option to cancel at any time.

- Turn real-life situations into fun stories and illustrations in seconds
- Suitable for all ages
- Available on iPhones, Android, and all tablets
- Creates personalized kid's books, stories, and poems
- Promotes reading habits to improve academic success
- Received rave reviews from over 2,200 parents who have created over 3,500 stories
- Offers various pricing options, including a yearly plan and monthly subscription
- Option to cancel at any time
- Allows for creating an endless stream of stories and books
- Features beautiful illustrations and option to remake any story.

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