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Trustworthy lead generation AI

Stride is an AI-powered technology that scans social media platforms to identify new followers and extract their email addresses. It uses monitoring algorithms and various methods to filter out bot accounts and ensure the accuracy of data. With Stride, users can generate high-quality email lists based on their competitors' social media followers and use them for ecommerce, newsletter, event planning, crypto, affiliate marketing, high-risk industries, digital services, and personal branding. The tool's audit and scanner instantly generate large email lists and capture the email addresses of new followers. The email lists are provided in a CSV file for easy importing into email marketing platforms.

- AI-powered technology that scans social media platforms to extract email addresses
- Advanced monitoring algorithms and various methods to filter out bot accounts and ensure accuracy of data
- Generate high-quality email lists based on competitors' social media followers
- Targeted promotions and deals for ecommerce sales
- Curated clients and engaging content for newsletters
- Direct invitations and offers to increase event attendance and sales
- Unique way to source accurate emails from large crypto/NFT projects
- Fresh conversions for affiliate programs or CPA offers
- Solution for high-risk industries unable to advertise on social media platforms
- Target similar influencers in your niche to build personal brand and following

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