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Test & Start

Test & Start

Business validation for entrepreneurs

Test and Start is an online tool that enables users to immediately validate their business ideas. By submitting an idea, the tool generates a score out of 100, Product Market Fit Ideas, a recommended Tech Stack for an MVP, a startup name, and a startup idea. Users receive this information via email, and can then begin testing their ideas. The tool is easy-to-use and can help users avoid wasting time and resources on ideas that may not work. By helping users to validate their ideas, Test and Start can help create successful startups and entrepreneurs.

- Allows users to immediately validate their business ideas
- Generates a score out of 100, Product Market Fit Ideas, a recommended Tech Stack for an MVP, a startup name, and a startup idea
- Provides information to users via email
- Helps users avoid wasting time and resources on unviable ideas
- Easy-to-use tool
- Can help create successful startups and entrepreneurs

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