Home Video editing Type Studio

Type Studio

Type Studio

All-in-one text video editor

Type Studio is a video editor that transcribes your video into text automatically. It also has tools for editing, subtitles, podcast, repurposing, and recording. Type Studio helps to convert your video into text and assists with repurposing into different content formats. It offers multilingual translation, video transcript publishing, and exports in various formats. You can easily share your video and text via email without anyone needing to download them. With Type Studio, you can increase accessibility and repurpose your videos into different content pieces.

- Automatic transcription of video into text
- Editing, subtitles, podcast, repurposing, and recording tools
- Multilingual translation into over 30 languages
- Video transcript publishing for SEO benefits
- Export in various formats such as .srt, .vtt, or .txt file with timestamps
- Share videos with transcribed text via email
- Ability to embed video and transcript into blogs
- Repurpose videos into different content formats
- Increase accessibility for hard of hearing individuals
- Build once, sell twice by using video to create additional content pieces

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