
Splash is a platform that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create music and provide tools for musicians to perform and share their work. With their Generative AI, Splash is creating a new community of musicians who can explore the boundaries of their creativity with AI. On Splash, users can develop their musical skills with an AI instrument and build a fanbase while performing on a virtual music festival available on Roblox and coming soon to Steam. Splash Web is a growing community that unites musicians of all levels, giving them access to an easy and intuitive Beatmaker to create and share their tracks. With Splash, everyone can express their individuality and make incredible beats in minutes. --- - Uses Artificial Intelligence to create music - Provides tools for musicians to perform and share their work - Enables new and experienced musicians to explore the boundaries of their creativity with AI - Offers an AI instrument for users to perform virtual music festivals available on Roblox and coming soon to Steam - Provides access to Splash Web, a community of talented musicians of all levels - Gives access to an easy and intuitive Beatmaker to create and share tracks - Allows users to create musician profiles and customize, download, and share their tracks - Helps everyone express their individuality and make incredible beats in minutes - Offers the possibility of interacting with live audiences - Enables users to discover great new artists


Symbl.ai is an AI-powered conversation understanding platform that processes and analyzes unstructured conversation data to generate summaries, analyze sentiment, classify topics, extract intents, and more. It allows real-time speech-to-text and context understanding through flexible APIs that can integrate with a customer experience journey. Symbl.ai also offers keyword, phrase, and intent detection in real-time, batch, and asynchronous requests. The platform's summarization feature is abstractive, descriptive, and context-aware, with almost five times lesser inference time and superior understanding. It can also automatically detect and generate extracted, abstract, and hierarchical topics from any conversation. Symbl.ai provides accurate real-time and asynchronous speech recognition API that is built for unstructured human conversations and enables users to add intelligence with a single API call. The platform is designed to generate talk-to-listen ratios, gauge participation rates, and standardize feedback measurement. --- - Real-time speech-to-text and context understanding - Flexible APIs that can integrate with a customer experience journey - Keyword, phrase, and intent detection in real-time, batch, and asynchronous requests - Abstractive, descriptive, and context-aware summarization feature - Automatic detection and generation of extracted, abstract, and hierarchical topics from any conversation - Accurate real-time and asynchronous speech recognition API - Capable of generating talk-to-listen ratios, gauging participation rates, and standardizing feedback measurement


Verbatik is an AI-powered tool that utilizes synthetic voices to generate realistic text-to-speech audio and provide audio players for articles. The site offers a growing library of over 600+ natural-sounding AI TTS voices, available in 142 languages and accents, allowing users to create audio content in MP3 and WAV formats with commercial and broadcast rights. Users can edit the text, change the emotion, and set the tone using the full set of SSML features and merge and enhance audio results using the powerful sound studio. Verbatik provides unlimited revisions before creating the perfect voice-over audio, making it a simple yet powerful text-to-speech editor. The site allows embedding SEO-friendly audio players directly into articles, making it easier for users to engage with the content on-the-go or in situations where reading isn't an option. --- - Growing library of over 600+ natural-sounding AI TTS voices available in 142 languages and accents - Commercial and broadcast rights in MP3 and WAV formats - Full set of SSML features to edit text and change emotion and tone - Powerful sound studio to merge and enhance audio results - Unlimited revisions before creating the perfect voice-over audio - Ability to embed SEO-friendly audio players directly into articles for increased content reach and accessibility - Simple yet powerful text-to-speech editor - Enhancing audio and video projects with realistic TTS technology - Providing high-quality audio and saving time and resources - Creating a TTS voice that matches the brand's tone and style for a consistent user experience across all channels.

Voxwave AI

Voxwave is a platform that enables sales professionals to send personalized voice messages to their leads. It provides dynamic tags like {name} and {company} to easily insert personalized messages into hundreds of voice emails, resulting in more calls booked and more sales. Voxwave is suitable for both pre-warmed and cold leads. Clients choose sales professionals based on expertise, confidence, and trust, and adding a human touch through their voices can make them a trusted advisor. By personalizing the voice messages, follow-ups, and re-engagement attempts, Voxwave helps build credibility from the outset, resulting in increased engagement and more business. Joining Voxwave's Waitlist is the best way to win more business and boost your response rates. --- - Use dynamic tags like {name} and {company} to send hundreds of personalized voice emails to pre-warmed leads - Offers an effortless and simple way to integrate voice messages into email campaigns - Suitable for both pre-warmed and cold leads to convert them to buyers - Provides an easy three-step process for recording and writing messages using dynamic tags - Offers data points to summarize the overall performance - Creates human touch with personalized voice messages to add a trusted advisor element to the marketing approach - Personalized it with follow-up messages and auto-generating names for customers, resulting in increased engagement - Reaches out to fallen leads with a familiar voice for revitalization - Improves response rates with personalized messages and increasing the credibility of sales professionals. - Joining the Waitlist offers an excellent opportunity to boost response rates due to personalized messages.

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