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Digital employees for outsourcing

Freeday is a digital staffing platform that offers AI-powered digital employees to help teams outsource tedious and repetitive tasks. With various operational areas such as customer care, employee engagement, accounts payable, and know-your-customer tasks, Freeday aims to improve productivity and potentially increase revenue. The platform collaborates with reputable partnerships such as Google Cloud Partner, NEN and NL-AI-Coalitie, ensuring safe and accurate outsourcing. Freeday aims to cater to various industries and teams such as customer support, HR departments, and finance teams. With offices in Rotterdam and New York, Freeday offers global support and keeps users informed through its AI-focused newsletter.

- AI-powered digital employees for various operational areas
- Collaboration with reputable partners ensuring safe and accurate outsourcing
- Suitable for customer support, HR departments and finance teams
- Offices in Rotterdam and New York for global support
- AI-focused newsletter for users to stay informed
- Helps increase productivity and potentially increase revenue with the use of digital employees
- Outsourcing repetitive tasks to digital employees enhances experiences and saves team members' time
- Can fully unlock teams' creative and productive capacities
- Offers various use cases for different teams and industries

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