

Social Media Viral AI Generator

Tribescaler is an AI-powered tool that generates Twitter hooks to make your tweets go viral. It helps you write better hooks in seconds, providing you with more impressions, a better network, and more money. With an existing library of thousands of hooks across 20+ categories, users can start generating content immediately. Tribescaler uses cutting-edge AI to generate original content in seconds, training on the best hooks to optimize for virality. Users have total ownership of the content they generate, while Tribescaler keeps the rights to use the content in AI training. Tribescaler can write hooks for almost any category, from growing fungus to baseball strategies. Users can cancel their accounts at any time and come back when they're ready to upgrade again. The tool has been verified by top content creators with over 100k followers, and early adopters consistently write viral content. The generated text can be copied and pasted straight into Twitter or a thread editor of choice.

- AI-generated hooks for Twitter
- Easy and fast way to write hooks in seconds
- Increased impressions, network, and potential earnings
- Existing library of thousands of hooks across 20+ categories
- Cutting-edge AI technology for unique and original content
- User ownership of generated content
- Almost any category can be written for
- Cancel account at any time and upgrade later
- Verification by top content creators with over 100k followers
- Copy generated text to Twitter or thread editor of choice

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